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Fixture Net Pouches

The pouches are manufactured to strict safety regulations and can be manufactured to meet any size and SWL requirement.
Manufactured from 100% Stainless Steel and have a five times safety factor.

Light Pouches

Stainless Steel 316 safety retainingnets (round profile) suitablefor light units such as: Floodlights Florescent / LED Striplight Speaker / Horn …

Speaker and Camera Pouches

Stainless Steel 316 safety retaining nets suitablefor audio / visual and sensory units with different mountings. Must be tightened securely.

Tool Pouches

Stainless Steel 316 safety retaining nets suitable for carrying workplace tools. Ideal for use on Oil Rigs and Constructions sites …

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What We Do

Safely secure overhead features and tools.

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